Getting an anxiety attack before an important test is very common among people. And there is nothing to be ashamed of admitting it. Whether you’re a teen or an employee taking an exam to help your career, tests will make you nervous. But no matter what, we have to keep its intensity to a minimum before a big screw-up. So, to help with your pre-test jitters, here are some helpful precautions you can take.
Opt For a Study Tactic: Some people learn more efficiently when they follow an effective strategy. This technique will be different for different people based on their personality and cognitive ability. However, if you’re clueless as to what will work for you, consult with your teacher or an instructor to guide you.

Study Early On: Don’t procrastinate when it comes to studies. It all gets piled up and will have to be swallowed in a single sitting. Which is unhealthy for your brain. If you study little by little from early on then it will be less stressful for you before exams.

Study in the Class Rooms: Sometimes the location and environment can help jog your memory. So if you study in the exam hall or your classroom, it could help you recall vital information during exams.
Set a Pretest Routine: Find a routine that you will be comfortable with before exams. Then repeat it each time before you have exams. This will help you stay calm and sharp while boosting your self-confidence.

Try Relaxation Techniques: Try various yoga poses and breathing techniques to keep your anxiety at bay. Every morning or when you feel too stressed try to stretch your spine, torso, and neck area. These won’t just keep you calm but also improve your cardiovascular functions.

Watch what You Consume: Keeping your body fueled and hydrated is a given. And this can’t be skipped during exams. However, try to avoid soft drinks or caffeine as they can affect your blood-sugar levels and increase anxiety.

Take Proper Rest: This will be very hard to achieve if your mind is all over the place. But if you can manage to keep your head in check, then this is a no skip step. Your mind needs to be fully rested to properly function. Imagine giving an exam but you can’t concentrate for the lack of sleep.

Talk to Someone: There are times when you just need to talk to someone who can tell you comforting words or useful advice. It can be your parents, older sibling or your friend. Tell them you’re having some troubles with anxiety and you never know, they might calm you with their empathy.
Tests are definitely something to be anxious about. But if you prepare yourself from the start then this anxiety can be handled with ease. So, Next time you have a test, try out the fore mentioned tips to keep your anxiety level at the minimum and give your best at the exam.