Old clothes will no longer be discarded. Rather, new clothes will be made of old clothes. Even your old T-shirts and jeans. An American company has taken this initiative to recycle.


According to a news agency Reuters report, the company, named Evernew, made new fibers by washing old clothes in a lab in New Jersey. And this new fiber is named Newcycle. These new fibers look like cotton. The initiative is expected to help reduce the waste of the fashion industry; It will also protect the environment from pollution.


Meanwhile, the fibers have already caught the eye of sportswear company Adidas, US retailers, and British designer Stella McCartney. According to the information of the inventor, this year, clothes of new fibers will be produced in the market.


The first step in making these fibers is to remove buttons, zippers and other accessories from cotton shirts, socks, and other clothing. Then the polyester yarn and paint are removed. After this step, the cloth is dissolved in ionic liquid after converting the cloth into a pulp to look exactly like paper. Slowly the fibers are made from the mixture. Then a new garment is made with the yarn made from that fiber.


Stacey Flynn, CEO, and co-founder of Evernew believes that old clothes and clothing will not be used as rubbish when reused. It’s a great thing for the environment. According to the data of the US Environmental Protection Agency, 66 percent of 20 million tons of textile waste was dumped in the ground in 2017.


The recycled garment will have a Newcycle logo. As a result, the buyer and the wearer will know. So, they can donate the clothes before they are dropped. Then new clothes will be made from it. Evernew is currently working on the issue of donations. At the same time, it is also a recycling of polyester and cotton fabrics. At present, their activities are limited to cotton cloth.