Hair, just like the texture of our skin, is an indicator of a healthy body, mind, and diet. A well-nourished, luscious, and gorgeous set of hair is desirable by all men and women. But throughout the time they start to fall, become dry and damaged, and lose their natural shine. More often than not we tend to blame it on pollution, stress, age, genetics, or some hair products. So it’s about time we look deeper into another potential reason for that, which is an unhealthy diet. What we put in our bodies plays a key role in our outside appearance. With that in mind, let’s check out which foods we should avoid in order to reduce hair fall.

Processed Sugar: We all know the downfall related to our body for sugar intake. Now let’s also look at it from the point of view of losing hair.
- Too much intake of sugar causes insulin resistance, which results in diabetes, obesity, and hair loss.
- Creates problems in Blood circulation. This restricts the flow of blood and the nutrients in them to reach and nourish the scalp. This results in Scalp Inflammation.
- It also causes the testosterone level of our body to rise up as well.

Refined Carbohydrate: Once consumed they turn into sugar, and what that does to our hair has already been discussed. Moreover, foods like cakes, bread, doughnut, etc. cause insulin and androgen levels in our body to spike and adhere to our hair follicles causing hair fall.

Dairy: Since dairy products also contain some level of fat and this fat increases the level of testosterone in our body. These products tend to exacerbate the conditions of people with dandruff, psoriasis, and eczema.

Fish: Though a great source of protein but some fishes are very high in mercury. And as we know, Mercury is one of the top reasons for hair loss. As excess mercury can cause zinc deficiency which promotes hair growth. So, fishes like swordfish, tuna, mackerel, sharks should not be consumed to control hair loss.
Raw Egg Whites: Though great for hair when applied topically, but when consumed can do the same amount of damage. The Avidin present in eggs Interacts with Biotin, a vitamin responsible for Keratin Production, and stops its absorption.

Greasy And Fried Food: “Junk” food may taste delicious but there is a perfect reason why they’re named that. They contain so much fatty acid that increases the levels of testosterone and androgens that may lead to Alopecia. Alopecia is an autoimmune condition that causes hair fall. These foods can also increase sebum production that causes clogged pores in your scalp minimizing the hair pores.
Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol is very disruptive to protein synthesis in our bodies. And since hair is basically made up of protein so I don’t have to exaggerate how bad it is for our hair. out tresses lose their shine and become brittle over time thanks to Alcohol.
Avoiding the above-mentioned foods may not be enough to have lustrous hair but it’s still enough to stop it from further damage. If you want great tips for inducing more hair growth, then follow the link.