Apple and Google, two of the world’s largest technology companies, are developing a tracking system or surveillance system to detect coronavirus patients. The organization will identify people with coronavirus and who came in contact with the affected person through Bluetooth technologies. So, the authorities of these two giant company are now working on building such technology.

According to a CNN online report, after the identification process, the information will be given to the state institutions. On Friday, these two US companies made such announcements.
In a joint statement, the organization said that the interface application program will unveil first. Then, this system will connect to the public health app. This will work on iOS and Android operating systems. The procedure will unveil next May. After completing all the processes, the authority will update the tracking system.
So, both organizations, however, have stated that it will protect user privacy and other security measures.
Since most of the world’s smartphone users are using Apple-made iPhone and Google’s operating system Android phones, the company is going to start doing this jointly.
Health workers say there is no alternative to quickly identifying a person suffering from corona infection. But, in addition, those who came in contact with the person have no option but to identify them.