Mim is seating in front of the groom family. The boy’s mother asked her about her walking problem. Mim with hesitation answers that she was raped and has this injury by the torture. The boy then says Mim should not be held responsible for what happed with her. She should not get punishment and have right to live a normal life.
With such striking plot ‘Not Her Fault’ short film was published on social media to support rape victim. On the occasion of Woman’s Day, The Big Content Ltd with the collaboration with Prothom Alo has decided to come up with such production. Vidya Sinha Mim, Irfan Sajjad, Mili Bashar, Fakhrul Bashar, Shilpi Sarkar and others have acted in it.

This short creative production has the message to change the attitude of society towards female rape victims. The story also portrait the mental traumatic situation that a rape victim and her family go through. Producer Mahathir Spondon said, “The only purpose of this story is to tell people to be more empathetic and kinder to the rape victim. If this drama can contribute to bring such changes, that will be our success”.
The leading actress Mim, added “I felt as a woman, I should be a part of such noble intention”. Considering this art work as her social responsibility, the actress even refused to take money for this short film.

Bangla dramas are often seem to be criticized for its poor story. The story telling is so weak that even a star cast is failing to drag audience. I agree that too. Now all the dramas have similar actors, similar story and predictable ending. But among the crowd of chaos, dramas like ‘Not Her Fault’ is a worth of appreciation. Another drama ‘konok Chapa” has caught my attention too. This is a story of two twin sisters, where one gets gang raped and brutally tortured. In this drama we see unlike the regular, the family support the daughter. With the support of all the victim recovers and gain the courage to protect other girls from being molest. Such a mature attempt to break social misconception about rape and the victim. I hope more work like this kind will be coming in future and eventually will help to change rotten mentality.