Are you someone who struggles with communicating with others? Do you have difficulties understanding the subtle non-verbal cues? And when we are talking about communication, we are not talking verbally. People can always judge someone’s personality just from their behavior, without even uttering a word. So you should be very attentive to what non-verbal signals you are sending another person. If you want to make sure that your body language makes a good impression then keep on reading.

Body language sitting

Sit Properly: Whether you are in an interview, business meeting, or having a first date, the First impression that the opposite party will create of you will be based on how you conduct yourself while seated. So if you are hunched over or slump backward, it sends a wrong message. You should always SIT STRAIGHT BUT NOT IN A ROBOTIC WAY. Keep your shoulder loose so you look comfortable.

Hand Gestures: While speaking, your hand movements speak a lot about a topic for you. Make sure that your hands don’t go above your shoulder as it could look like an exaggeration. Or keep too close to your side as it would make you look passive and shy. Keep the movements flexible to seem CONFIDENT WITHOUT BEING COCKY.

It’s All About The Eyes: With the pandemic on, the only thing that is visible to people in the eyes. You should know how to properly express yourself with them. It’s okay to make eye contact but not okay to stare or glare at them. Also, Control your brow movements. raising them unnecessarily or frowning can be very off-putting to others.

Fake It Till You Make It: Remember confidence is the key. So, Even when you are nervous, keep these involuntary actions in check and you’ll be able to fake it confidence.

  • Tapping legs: One of your most obvious signs of nervousness is leg tapping. A major tell-tell sign. So if your legs can’t be seen by the other party then cross them at the ankle to keep them locked in place.
  • Touching Face: When you are nervous, you may involuntarily keep running your hands across your face or hair. Doing it too much becomes very distracting.
  • Just Smile: When you have a smile on your face you immediately seem way more friendly and approachable. This exudes confidence.

Standing In Style: While speaking to someone, don’t face your body directly at them. In Stead stand at an angle with hands over your sides or one in your pocket. Hands on the hips or waist seem confrontational or anxious.

These were just the basic body language cues you need to pay attention to in front of other people. These will not just help you express yourself better without any misunderstanding but also display confidence.