• If your heels get cracked, take aspirin and add water, lime juice and apply on the crack and rape it with a plastic bag for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes all cracks are removed.
  • If your feet get sweaty and create an adore inside your shoes. Use underarm roller after taking a bath under your feet. This will reduce the adore.
  • If you have to sweat under your arm, then use female mini sanitary napkins. This will absorb all sweat and keep you fresh all-day
  • If your hairs are dry and rough due to excess heat exposal, take one avocado and make a paste of it. Apply the paste on the roots for 15 minutes and wash your hairs are super smooth.
  • If you get a sunburn to take natural aloe gel and blend it. After blending it keep it into the deep freezer. When it turns ice apply it on your skin to reduce sunburn effect.
  • Basil is a natural mosquito repellent usually affect the insect, sensors, removing their ability to detect a target, so they go away in order to recover them. Boil the basil in water and store the water in a spray bottle and apply on your body.