Researchers at the Data-Driven Innovation Lab at the University of Technology and Design (SUTD) in Singapore have predicted on coronavirus. They said that the global outbreak of the deadly corona will fall by 97 percent by May. So, the virus will be 99 percent extinct in Bangladesh by May 30.

The Data-Driven Innovation Lab of the University of Technology and Design (SUTD) at the University of Singapore released their study on Sunday. They have taken the data from 131 countries and published it on their website. This is the first such prediction about coronavirus.
The researchers predicted that on the basis of its spread, harmful effects on the human body and its characteristics. Although, if it is reduced by 99 percent in May, it may take until July 15 to completely eradicate the virus from Bangladesh. And Corona could say goodbye to the world by December 7.
SUTD used the Susceptible Infective Recovered (Fertilizer) model in their study. And, according to this model, there is evidence to reduce the incidence of coronavirus. According to the researchers, this conclusion is based on information from different countries and a lot of information about the life cycle of the coronavirus. The SUTD has also predicted through mathematical modeling. It shows that COVID-19 will end 97% in India around May 21.
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