Becoming a Morning person is not everyone’s cup of tea. If being a “night owl” works best for you then kudos to that. You do you. But for some miraculous reason if you do choose to become an early bird then you should know it will bring a huge change in your lifestyle. And it will take a lot of effort to maintain consistency. With all that in mind, here are some useful and easy steps you could take to become a morning person.

Hit The Hay:
We know it might seem like a cliche, but this makes the best impact on your sleep schedule. It helps regulate each individual’s chronotype, which is the natural sleeping pattern for each person. Even if you start going to bed 15 mins early each day until you find the timetable your daily routine agrees with.
Complete Your Sleep Cycle:
It is very crucial to have proper sleep to function properly on a day. If you wish to feel energized to deal with whatever the day throws at you then having 7-8 hours of good night’s sleep is the way to go. Adjust your body clock as well as your actual clock to help with that.

Limit Your Screen Time:
Remember, whenever we complained to our parents about any health-related issues the only response we got was, “it’s ’cause you’re always on your phone”? Well turns out they were not that far off the mark. Our body has a biological clock called circadian rhythm that’s sensitive to light. So the way sunset lights cue us to turn in for the night, blue colors or morning hues signal to the body to stay active. So if we constrict our screen time 2 hours before sleeping then it’ll help us better to fall asleep.

A Healthy Nighttime Routine:
Instead of browsing your Instagram, youtube, or other social media accounts try developing a healthy nighttime routine. Meditate, read a book, pamper your skin, or even write your journal. Just control yourself from unlocking your phone.

Different Clock Hacks:
Here are some tricks you could try with your alarm clocks to help you wake up on time. Place your phone away from your bed, so that you have to get up in the morning to turn it off. Since you will be up convince yourself not to go back to bed right away. Instead, roam around the house, wash your face, or use the bathroom. Or, use a manual clock, not the phone alarm. this stops you from hitting the snooze button for some extra minutes of sleep. Another idea is to use Smart Alarm Clock. This requires you to solve math problems to turn it off. Neat right?
Make Plans/Set Goals:
We all need something external to motivate us to get off the bed in the morning. So make a plan to do something early morning that ticks off an item from your to-do list. Or better yet make plans to go on a walk with someone who also loves to wake up that early.
These are not just helpful tips to become a morning person but also they are very easy to accomplish. And you could do it all by yourself. It will require some time and patience on your part. And a lot of control not to give in to the occasional late-night movie marathons.