The plethora of benefits that stem from different yoga poses is not unknown to anyone. But did you know that aside from giving us a leaner body frame, clearer skin, and a more peaceful mind, Yoga can also do so much good for our hair? Yes, you read that right. Various yoga asanas are proven to improve blood flow in our body which promotes cell repair. This does not only benefit the texture of our skin but hair as well. Imagine getting the lustrous locks of your dreams just by striking some easy poses on a mat. Does it seem too far-fetched? To change your mind, we have listed down some very easy-to-do yoga asanas for hair growth.

Uttanpadasana: In this pose, lie flat on your back. Heels together and hands spread open on the side. Now slowly raise your legs together until they are at 90 degrees to your body. Keep your abs engaged and spine relaxed. Hold this position for a few breaths then slowly bring them down. Repeat it 3-4 times. This promotes blood circulation in the pelvic area which in turn can reduce hair fall.

Uttanasana: For this, stand straight with your heels together. Raise your arms and take a deep breath. Without exhaling, bend forward from your pelvic keeping the back straight. Try to touch the matt and when you feel comfortable enough, hug your feet. Hold this pose for 15-20 seconds. Now exhale as you move back to your standing position. Repeat 3-4 times. This pose regulates blood flow to the scalp which promotes hair growth.

Adho Mukha Svanasana: This like the one before, helps regulate blood flow to the scalp and relaxes the mind. With your legs hip-width apart place your hands on the mat. Keeping a firm grip on the mat, take a few steps back until you form a triangle with the floor. Keep your head down as your ears touch your shoulder for 30-45 seconds.

Balayam yoga: This is an alternation reflexology therapy for hair fall. Exercising this pose will not only promote hair growth but will also reduce premature greying of hair. Just curl your finger inward forming a heart shape with your nails touching. Now start rubbing them for up to 15 mins while you stay still. You can do this every day to see visible results.

Kapalabhati: This particular breathing exercise cleanses the toxins out of your skull and face. This promotes hair growth and clearer skin. Sitting cross-legged and straight back, place your palms over each knee facing up. When you exhale, empty up your abdomen, and when you inhale lift up your chest. Do this couple of times in the morning on an empty stomach.
So, weren’t all of these very easy to do yoga asanas? If you’re also one of those people who crave healthier and denser-looking hair without getting a backup from a good deal of chemicals, then try these poses out today.