In this crisis period, the whole world is seeking support from the different sectors. Many come with free services like healthcare or other stuff. Some support by donating money. So, like others, Hollywood stars are also extending their support to cope with the coronavirus epidemic. So, now, the actor George Clooney and lawyer Amal Alamuddin came forward. The heavyweight couple has donated the US $ 1 million to six different funds and charitable organizations.

Sectors and foundation where Clooney-Amal donates:
Hollywood-based online news portal Deadline reports that Clooney-Amal has donated $ 1.5 million to the Motion Picture and Television Fund, the SAG-AFTRA Foundation and the Los Angeles Mayor’s Fund. They also donated $ 3 million to the Lebanese Food Bank, Lombardo Italy Region and the UK’s National Health Service.
The Motion Picture and Television Fund is temporarily providing financial support. And, the SAG-AFTRA Foundation is providing healthcare, food, shelter and medical expenses to its members. The Los Angeles mayor’s funding is helping to meet the needs of children and health workers, shelter the homeless, provide food for seniors and provide financial support to locals.
The Lebanese Food Bank provides food for the elderly person. At the same time, they also work for the disabled, patients, single mothers and orphans. The Lombardo Italy Region offers direct assistance to various hospitals in Lombardo. And, so, the UK’s National Health Service looks after health workers and volunteers in charge of treating coronary patients.
In addition to 58-year-old Clooney, other Hollywood stars like Angelina Jolie, actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, presenters Oprah Winfrey, Ryan Reynolds-Blake couple, model Kylie Jenner, musician Rihanna, JG, Sean Mendes have also donated to the COVID-19 Relief Fund.
Meanwhile, Amal Alamuddin, 42 years old, is a Lebanese lawyer of British descent. The Clooney-Amal married in 2014. They have twin children named Alexander and Ella.