If you or someone close to you has a problem of snoring non-stop, then it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It is a common problem that is seen among 4 out of 10 people. It usually occurs when the air flows through your throat while you sleep. At that time the muscle around your neck become relaxed and starts making a vibrating noise. More than the person suffering from it, it bothers the people around them. Hence, to help you and the person next to you get a sound sleep at night here are some very useful tips.

Try Losing Weight: It’s not like only healthy people snore. Thin people do too. But since losing weight can also reduce the extra amount of muscles and tissues around the neck, it will eventually reduce snoring as well. So, try eating healthy foods and exercising regularly to reach an ideal weight.

Try Getting a Proper Sleep: After spending a hectic day outside or at the office you’re extremely tired. And all you want is to lie down and rest. At the exact time when your head touches the pillow, you pass out in deep sleep. Your body is so relaxed that you start snoring. So, always make sure you are well-rested and do not take up too much load on yourself throughout the day.

Sleep On Your Side: When you sleep on your black, the muscles on your throat along with your tongue push back into your throat closing it. This creates resistance which results in loud and annoying vibrating noise that we commonly know as snoring. Sleeping on the side helps keep the airway open and snoring down low.

Keep Yourself Hydrated: If you are dehydrated then the insides of your throat and tongue become sticky and create friction while breathing. This results in louder snores. So, ladies make sure you consume 11-12 glasses of water and 13-15 glasses are a must for the gentlemen.

Keep Your Allergies In Check: Your nose might get clogged due to allergy or cold. This will force you to breathe through your mouth aggressively. In that case, You have to do whatever it takes to keep it under control. Change your sheets regularly, take allergy pills, use a nasal spray, or consult with a doctor.

Avoid Sleeping Pills or Alcohol Before Bedtime: Basically, anything that can cause the muscles or tissues around your throat to become too relaxed should be avoided before bedtime.
Generally, snoring isn’t such a big problem except for being an inconvenience for others. However if not treated in time could lead to something much worse. So, we hope you try these tips out for a better and more peaceful goodnight sleep.