Most of us at least once had to deal with pimples or acne. It is one of the most typical skin problems out there. Since childhood, we have heard many things about how they work and what to do about them. However, not everything we hear about them are correct. 

The ready pimples can be popped 

Most of us think that whenever the pimple looks ready we are supposed to pop it. It comes to us as a natural reflex. But this is something everyone tells us not to do. Even if a pimple could be about to go away, many experts believe that popping it might leave scars and even promote the development of more pimples.

It’s only for a certain age group

During adolescence time due to hormonal changes, we do get acne. But it does differ from person to person. Some suffer from a young age others have to deal with acne-related problems much late. Even if someone stopped having them, they can develop it later in life like in their 30s or 40s. 

It’s because of bad eating habits

Pimples can be brought on by a number of things, such as unhealthy eating habits, poor skincare, and poor hygiene. A pimple can still appear no matter how regularly someone cleanses their face. Your skin’s health will only go worse if you over-cleanse. Be aware that hormones have a significant impact on how they seem.

You can remove it overnight 

Unfortunately, despite how fantastic it sounds, it is not the case. According to studies, maintaining an extended regimen or therapy for four to six weeks may start to improve your skin’s appearance. It could take some time for the skin to heal entirely. Continue your regimen if you notice any improvements because doing so may stop future breakouts.