6 Easy Yoga Asana to Improve your Lung Capacity
During these alarming times of pandemic when the virus keeps evolving with new symptoms, can we really afford to have weak lungs? No. But, what do we do if we…
3 yoga asana to regain strength after testing negative
There is no alternative of exercise for good health. We need to keep our body active and burn extra calories to avoid any health hazards. But more than anything else,…
5 easy exercise to improve digestive system
Soon after Iftar most of us get acidity and heartburn. Ramadan is a common time for such digestive issues. Due to the changes in the food, timing and lifestyle digestive…
Do you know water intake affects our brain function?
Getting enough water everyday is important. Since our body comprises around 60% water, we need to supply it with a fair amount of water. To keep our body in good…
Heat Stroke: Symptoms and the remedies
It can be a heat stroke at any age. So take a bath twice a day to stay healthy this summer. Keep plenty of vegetables and fresh indigenous fruits in…