Soon after Iftar most of us get acidity and heartburn. Ramadan is a common time for such digestive issues. Due to the changes in the food, timing and lifestyle digestive problems like heartburn, belching, bloating and constipation are common. These conditions can occur even to those who does not have any gastric problems earlier. Along with food habit, these problems can be treated with exercise. Here are 5 easy exercise to improve digestive system. You can work out after one hour from Iftar. Meanwhile some food will be digested and give you energy to exercise.


It is the simplest exercise to include in workout regime. Walking for about 30-40 minutes daily keeps away the digestive problems. It stimulates the intestinal contractility and help passing the stool through the colon. Walk at a medium speed. If you walk too fast then you might feel unwell.


Next comes cycling. It also helps improving digestive system. You can try bike ride instead. Bike ride also smooth functioning of the digestive system. Along with gut health but cycling will reduce your belly fat.
Crunch Exercise


This ab workout focuses on the abdominal muscles and bring back the digestive system on track. There is vertical leg crunch, long arm crunch, reverse crunch any many. Chose according to your comfort. Sit-ups are one of the best exercises for healthy digestion.


For digestion problem yoga is the best because it also relaxes us after a daylong fast. Yoga poses like boat pose, child’s pose, standing forward bend, downward and upward dog, triangle pose, are great for improving digestion.
Breathing Exercise

Breathing exercise

Last but definitely not the least is the breathing exercise. You might not be aware of this but even this simple exercise of breathing can affect our digestion process. All you need to do is sit up straight and practice breathing deeply and slowly, in and out, using your belly muscles. Then see the result in a week.

It is better to prevent than cure. So, before situation get worse with your digestion system start planning your meal wisely. Avoid any such food that make you dehydrated, cause gas or acidity. Also maintain physical exercise regularly to feel fit and healthy and improve digestive system.
