Do you want to grace your friends and followers on Instagram or Facebook with cute and appealing selfies of yourself? But alas, your selfie game seems to be struggling a lot. You’re finding it hard to figure out how should you pose, where should you look, and should I smile or not. Well, fret no more. Here are some friendly tips on taking the perfect selfie.

Lighting is Crucial: The first thing you should keep in mind before taking any pictures is the lighting. the more natural the better. If you are inside then look for a window that lets in the perfect amount of luminosity that your surrounding requires. If outside make sure not to take pictures when the sun is at its brightest. And at night, you can use a ring light or a lamp for the shot.

Find Your Good Side: This is a no-brainer but the hardest thing to do. you might have to take over a hundred selfies before finding out which angle or side of your face is the most flattering.
Avoid shadows: while taking a picture, whether it’s a selfie or just a random click, you don’t want an annoying shadow to be cast upon the object or face of your focus. That’s also why you should avoid taking pictures at midday as it casts an unflattering shadow under or around the focus.

Always Go For Angle: Hold your phones in angle to the side as you give a soft smile or a smirk. Or tilt your phone at the top and hold it over your head and slightly look at the camera with your chin down. This is often the go-to move for many influencers.

The Perfect Background: In a selfie, we want the viewer’s focus to be on us and not be distracted by any chaos at the back. Whether it’s an offputting color or a person unintentionally photobombing you, anything that takes away the focus from you is a nono.

Natural Smile: A genuine smile is the most important tool in your makeup box and one of the most effective selfie tips. If you can even pull off a simple yet natural-looking smile then you have already aced your selfie game. Otherwise, you would look very robotic.

Find Your Signature Look: It’s true that we want each snap to be unique to give the viewers a different feeling each time. But if you found the pose of expression that makes you feel beautiful to yourself that there’s no harm in repeating it multiple times. But still don’t overdo it.

Take a Group Selfie: When you’re a part of the group, even if your face isn’t on point you still seem to be approachable while having fun. Group selfies don’t require that much thought either. Just take your phone and snap, snap, snap!

Flash And Crop: The biggest backlash of flashed photography is the red-eye effect. But sometimes you’re out of options and have to use flash. Make sure you have an app to deal with that.
Photoshop is a Savior: if you love putting your face on your social media accounts, chances are your already familiar with some apps. However, try not to overdo that as well or you’ll end up being trolled on the internet and be the subject of memes.
These are 10 of the easiest tips to ace your selfie game. It might seem ridiculous at first but over time and with a lot of practice, you too will always be ready to click the moment with confidence.