When you’re in a moving car, you may sometimes feel some discomfort. This discomfort may range from nausea to dizziness, headaches, vomiting, etc. This sickness stems from the disconnection between our bodies many senses. For example, when you’re in motion, your muscles may send a different signal to your brain than your ears and eyes. Which most often results in motion sickness as our brain is unable to process all the signals at once. This makes it hard for some people to travel via any mode of transportation. Hence, today we will discuss some remedies or rules you should follow to calm your motion sickness so you can also be able to travel to your heart’s content.

Take the Wheels: Since motion sickness primarily happens for your senses not being in sync. So, if you get behind the wheels the different senses will get synchronized.  

Look Ahead: Positioning yourself to face the direction of the car’s motion will help with the intensity of your dizzy feeling. Try to fix your gaze at an object at the farthest distance.

Find Your Sweet Spot: Keep changing your position till you find the one that makes you most comfortable. For some, it’s lying down on your back and for others, it could be the fetus pose.

Light Snacking: Munch on something salty, maybe crackers or chips. But it has to be light. Having heavy food before or during a journey could slow down digestion and result in intense acid reflex.

Stay Hydrated: You should keep yourself hydrated when you’re traveling. This calms the nerves and keeps everything in check. But don’t gulp down an entire bottle at once. Take tiny sips Every half hour.

Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea can soothe the stomach, reduce acids, and relaxes stomach muscles. You can keep it with you in a travel mug. And you can consume it hot or cold, it doesn’t matter.

Distraction is the Key: Have a conversation with someone or just listen to music to keep your mind distracted and you’ll see that the vehicle movement will not be bothering you as much.

Aromatherapy: The smell of ginger, lavender, and peppermint has been shown to elevate the intensity of nausea among people. So if possible keep an air freshener or portable diffuser in the car in case you might need it.

motion sickness screens

Say No To Screens or Reading: Looking at the screen or trying to reading a book while being inside a moving car is a big mistake. Suppose the car you’re in hits a bump. The balance center in your inner ear senses the bump, however, the images or words on the screen or page remain still—these mixed messages when sent to the brain can result in nausea.

motion sickness breaks

Take in Fresh Air: Once in a while stop the car and step outside for some fresh air. Do this as much as you want if it becomes unbearable. Or just leave the window down for the ride if possible.

We hope that after following these 10 rules you will be able to keep your motion sickness in check. Travelling can be great for your mind and soul. It’s relaxing, exciting, and fun. So don’t miss out on the thousands of experiences you could have for this one setback.
