The year 2021 has come to an end. Just like in movies, this end was either satisfying or it’s leaving us wanting more from life. But don’t forget, each night brings hope for a new dawn. Hence with the closing of this year, let’s start off the next with hope for the best. So, let’s make a pact with ourselves or commonly known as make a new years’ resolution of all the things we want to achieve in 2022.

Health is the Ultimate Wealth: Let’s start off 2022 with a new attitude and approach to being and living healthier. We know burgers, pizzas, pasta, and other junk foods can be irresistible. But this is just a small price to pay for a healthier and longer life.

Take the First Step: Try making a promise to yourself about being more active in 2022. You don’t have to join a gym and do 100 push-ups for day 1. But even a small initiative like taking a 30 min- 1 hour walks around the block or in a park will be a great place to start your journey.

Find a Hobby: Use 2022 to explore and improve on the activities that make you happy. Your hobby doesn’t have to become your profession in the future. It can be something you like doing, something that calms your mind and soul. An activity that you use to unwind from the entire day or a weeks’ worth of frustration.

Work on Relationship: It’s never too late to work on your interpersonal skills and relationships with your friends and family. If there are any unspoken grudges or contention lurking in between then let everything out and try to work through your problems.

Set professional Goals: First you have to imagine where you want to be in 5 years. Now you have to find out what you need to do to get there. Remember success is not achieved in a sprint for everyone, for some, it’s a marathon. So, work on the steps starting now, have patience, and trust the process.

Remember whatever new years’ resolution you may make with yourself or the people around you, our top priority has to be to stay safe and maintain all precautions to get the Covid situation under control. So here’s to the hope for a better tomorrow in 2022, a wish that we all could breathe the fresh air outside without any interruption from face masks.