A healthy normal person spends two-thirds of his day on work and the rest on sleep. The other two depend on that one. Because sleep gives full rest to the brain and body. Those who are suffering from insomnia will understand how important eight hours of sleep is for working 16 hours a day. Insomnia means not falling asleep, in medical terms, it is called insomnia.

We get to sleep because continuous work consumes our body’s ATP adenosine triphosphate. The body takes a little time to fill this gap. This is the time to sleep. Only then does the body regenerate ATP or energy. Nature secretes a chemical from our brain called melatonin. This melatonin regulates the sleep cycle in the body.

This melatonin is made all the time but is lost in the presence of light. So we do not sleep in bright light. Now many people work on laptops or mobiles for a long time, the bright light in front of the eyes destroys their melatonin and creates sleep problems. The result is an Altered Sleep Habit. They woke up at four in the morning and slept till eleven in the afternoon.

The main symptom of various diseases is not sleeping at night. However, the symptoms that may appear along with it are, feeling sleepy during the day but not falling asleep, deep fatigue all the time, bad mood, not concentrating on work, etc. All of these symptoms can be chronic. However, the amount of sleep required daily, but the size is not the same according to age. This melatonin synthesis gradually decreases with age.

There are two types of insomnia. Sometimes it is either acute or temporary. Someone might have seen a bad scene on the street or someone might have broken up because they didn’t sleep at night. In this case, the brain itself will gradually forget the phenomenon, so insomnia will be cut off at once. But if someone has chronic or chronic insomnia, then he needs treatment. Insomnia can be solved only by identifying and treating the cause of anxiety, depression, or any other reason why he is not getting sleep.

The first thing to remember is, don’t buy sleeping pills by yourself or listening to someone else. Only a certain amount of sleeping pills should be taken by the doctor. The doctor’s opinion is also the last word on how medicine will be stopped gradually. Most of the causes of chronic insomnia are secondary. Primary insomnia can also be caused by permanent insomnia, such as someone getting divorced, or a serious accident at home that has a direct effect on sleep. A secondary cause is any other disease, such as asthma, cancer, etc. In this case, the disease must be treated.

So, stay away from unnecessary worries and any kind of intoxication to get back to normal sleep habits. Adequate sleep is the key to a healthy normal life.