Shababa Ishmam, A Deeper Dive Into The World Of a Woman Entrepreneur
When it comes to following one’s dreams and passion, not everyone can stand the test of time. But Shababa Ishmam, a Successful restaurateur and an innovative entrepreneur, on her own…
REZZ Global: Redefining your lifestyle
We, as Bangladeshis, have always been fascinated by the Western world. Their fashion and technology have always been very intriguing to us. But how can we get a taste of…
10 Popular Asian Traditional Dance Form
Today is the International Dance Day. This year the theme is: ‘Purpose of dance’. This day was created in 1982 by the ‘Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute ITI’. …
Rangin Piran: A brand selling colors to life
If you are an online shopper then you probably have heard about Rangin Piran. It is an online based woman clothing brand, that has already set its mark for comfortable…
Karishma Iqbal, a successful dreamer to turn hobby into career
Dreams are attainable only if we chase our dream-says Karishma Iqbal. She is an inspiring young, who didn’t let her dreams get fade away and went long way to make…