5 Alternative Therapies To Keep Your Mental Health In Check
The term “therapy” gives us the mental image of a person lying on a sofa in front of a licensed professional and sharing what’s on their mind. However, alternative therapies…
Reasons Behind the Popularity of Scented Candles
For something that has been around for over 5000 years, candles have gained major popularity over the last few decades. Although their primary function was to provide us with light…
Why Should You Add Face Steaming to Your Skincare?
Whether you do it in the comforts of your home or you get a professional to do it for you, Steaming your face can feel amazing. The skin feels really…
Is It Possible To Grow Taller In Your 20s’?
Are you among the large percentage of people around the world who are not satisfied with their heights? And now that you’re in your 20s’, you think it’s too late…
Is Shampoo The Only Haircare Product We Need?
Gone are the days when we thought all we needed to have a healthy and nourished head full of hair was good shampoo and organic hair oil. This idea might…
Get A Hold Of Your Test Anxiety Before It’s Too Late
Getting an anxiety attack before an important test is very common among people. And there is nothing to be ashamed of admitting it. Whether you’re a teen or an employee…
Are These Yoga Asanas Really Good For Hair Growth?
The plethora of benefits that stem from different yoga poses is not unknown to anyone. But did you know that aside from giving us a leaner body frame, clearer skin,…
Do You Know How Binge-Watching Can Affect Your Brain?
In our busy schedule, some of us barely get the time to take the needed breathe of relaxation that our body and mind crave. Yet, how do we manage to…
Don’t Let Dandruff Ruin Your Special Moments Anymore!
Imagine yourself in the middle of a date or an interview. At some point, your partner leans in close to you or your employer approaches you for a handshake. Then…
How To Turn Your Singlehood From Curse To Bliss?
Being single and still be happy might not be everyone’s cup of tea. Especially when you see loads of happy couple shots on your Instagram feed. And it doesn’t end…