When you are far away from your loved ones but want to do something special for them what do you do? You obviously send them presents. And through Deshbideshe (a renowned online gift shop) you can send gifts to faraway countries like the USA, UK, Canada and many more countries across the world. Recently they just reached a new milestone by signing a contract with Citygem.
Citygem is an esteemed banking service provided by the City Bank exclusively for its elite members. Deshbideshe is taking a leap forward with their services with this new partnership. The brand new contract signed between the two entails a “Special Privilege offer for Citygem and Sapphire.” This offer includes a 15% discount on all products and a 30% discount on the service charge if you order Deshbideshe’s products through Citygem. This offer will only be available for the USA. And for the UK, Canada, Australia, and other countries the discount in all products is 10% and a 20% discount on the service charge.

There will also be a special offer for Citygem’s sapphire customers and Citygem employees. For ordering in the USA there will be a 10% discount on all products. Also for the UK, Canada, Australia and other countries there will be a 7% discount on all their products.
These exciting offers are provided for the Citygem’s esteemed customers and employees. And with this new step forward Deshbideshe will definitely reach new heights because of their efficient customer service and variety of exciting products. Therefore, go to their facebook page or website today to see more deals. And send your friends and family tokens of love.