Excess body weight is also dangerous in cases of diabetes, heart disease, or coronary heart disease. For this reason, experts say that people who are overweight should be especially careful to prevent corona infection. Multiple studies have shown that excess weight in the body puts pressure on the lungs. This causes breathing problems. The problem is exacerbated when you infected with corona.

By shurkin_son

Again, if the weight is high, there is a possibility of hormonal differences. This reduces immunity. Then the risk of infection increases. People who are overweight can follow certain things to avoid corona infections.


  1. You should maintain the full lockdown rules. There is no way you go out of the house.


  1. Wash your hands frequently with soap. You must use a mask if you want to go out alone.


  1. Try to burn calories by exercising twice a day. Especially you need to reduce the waist and abdominal fat. Yoga and exercise should be done.


  1. Breathing exercises should be done according to the rules to increase the efficiency of the lungs.


  1. Eat low-calorie foods including fruits and vegetables. It is better not to eat carbohydrates and fried foods.


  1. If you have thyroid problems, high blood pressure, or diabetes, it is important to control it with medication.


  1. Be careful not to get cold. Open the doors and windows and keep an eye on the light and air circulation in the room.


  1. Eat vitamin C and vitamin D-rich foods regularly. You can also take regular supplements on the advice of a doctor.