Some friendships are like a train ride, it’s an exciting journey, but it eventually has an end. No matter how it happened, whether there was a fight or you guys naturally grew apart, it would hurt very bad either way. Maybe you two were extremely close at some point. spoke and hung out together all day, had sleepovers. But now all you feel is their absence. Getting over these kinds of friendships can be daunting but not impossible. Here are some things you should do to cope with a friendship breakup.

Let Yourself Be Upset: When you lose a very important relationship, be it romantic or platonic, it’s bound to hurt. you may think that it’s foolish and childish to grieve over a friendship. But don’t forget it is a close bond you shared with another person. The healthy thing to do at this point is to let yourself feel the pain. When you don’t accept and let yourself process the feeling of loss and Disappointment, it becomes harder to move on.

Talk To Someone: The best way to process your emotions and feelings after a friendship breakup is to talk to someone. It could be your parents, siblings, a therapist, or even another friend. Pick someone you can open up to about yourself without feeling judged.

Keep a Journal: If the person you lost touch with was your biggest confidante, then chances are, there are things you can’t share with anyone else. In those cases, it’s very helpful to keep a log of your thoughts and things you want to vent about. While writing about what’s bothering you, sometimes you can see things from a different perspective and have an epiphany.

Keeping Busy: If letting yourself grieve is too much for you to handle, then you should opt for distraction techniques. Try Reading or watch movies, try baking or learning to cook, listen to music, Get into arts. You can either lean towards a hobby that’s fun for you or where you can learn something new and useful.

Exercise: Though this could easily fall under the keeping busy category, you can’t always be at the gym. But Keeping your body physically active has a lot of mental health benefits as well. It creates endorphins and dopamines that aids in stress relief and boosts mood.

Reconnect With Old Friends: Try to check up on friends that you rarely interact with but you know they can always be someone you click with. Even if you can’t talk to them as often, a simple “how are you doing” once in a while is always welcomed.

Meet New People: This does not mean immediately look for a replacement for your lost friend. Instead, try to broaden your circle. Maybe you’ll meet them at the gym or theatre while watching the same movie. This will ensure that you both share a common interest.

Get Closure: This may seem unattainable, especially if you guys ended in a bad term. But maybe after some time has passed and things get less chaotic enough for both of you to keep a cool mind. Then try talking things over. You may not get back together but at least you can understand the situation better and know what went wrong.
A friendship breakup can sometimes feel more painful than the end of a romantic relationship. But everyone has to go through it once or twice in their lives. It not only makes you emotionally mature but also changes the way you conduct your other relationships and makes you re-evaluate how you choose your company.