Is your crazy frizzy tangled hair bothering you so much? Well, this is not only you. This is the latest fashion emergency of everyone specially women. The weather is changing. So the air has now more dust, pollution and heat. That is why your nice and soothing hair became suddenly so unmanageable. Check out some amazing summer hair care routine.
Our hair is the most praised part of our look. It has so much significance that getting a new hair cut can completely make us look different. Hair plays a great role to enhance our look. So start to follow a summer routine and save your hair from severe damage.

Wash less often
As the day is getting hotter and your scalp sweatier, you will be tempting to wash your hair every day. But with every wash you are also washing out the natural oil in the scalp and hair. So extend the time of washing from one to two days.
I know some have excessive oily hair. They can’t go much longer without shampoo. If you are one of them, then go for a mild or organic shampoo instead of regular chemical based popular shampoo. Also apply shampoo to the scalp only and let the soap run through the rest. This will prevent the hair drying out too much.
Another smart solution is the dry shampoo. If available, then sprinkle a bit of the powder onto the scalp. This will absorb excessive oil and give your hair a texture.

Avoid Heat
It’s already hot, don’t need to add more to your scalp. Excessive heat damage the upper layer of the scalp and slower the growth of new hair. It can also cause thin hair. So this summer stop using dryers. Also avoid hot oil massage.
Covering hair is a quick solution to get protected from the dust and sun ray. Also helps to retain moisture. But not so tight. Loosen up your scarf and let the air pass through it. For hijab use cotton scarfs. Cotton will absorb the sweat.
Sun scream
Summer hair care tips also include treating our scalp. After all, the scalp needs to hold the hair tight. So, give some extra care running your hand into your hair after applying suns cream to your face. This quick solution goes far to get good hair.

Hair Serum
Moisturizing hair serum shield your hair from external stress like pollution, dust, UV rays, etc. The ideal way of using it to the lengths of damp hair at a small amount. However, excessive product will make hair look greasy and flat.
Condition is a great help to manage rough hair. But it can also weaken the roots. So, go natural to deep conditioning your hair. Apply the mixture of egg and lemon on to your hair. Leaving this for 20-30 min will make a great change. You can feel your hair to be more soft and silky.
#hairtips #summerhaircaretips #hairproblem