Although corona affects all ages, elderly people are most at risk. Especially those who have various physical complications such as diabetes and heart disease are at higher risk. In addition, the elderly have less immunity, so they need to be more careful. They also have stress on their minds while staying at home continuously. Therefore, they need equal care in the body as well as in the field of the mind. If you have elderly people at home, you can follow some steps to take care of them physically and mentally.

- Find out if the elderly are taking medication on time. If necessary, talk to your doctor about increasing or decreasing the dose of their medication.
- Elderly people can walk on the roof if there are no bone problems or if there is no doctor’s prohibition. You can also do some light exercises to keep the body well.
- Like other members of the household older people need to wash their hands frequently and use sanitizer.
- The elderly should use a mask even if they are standing on the roof or in an empty space in front of the house. It is very important to put the sun on the body at this time. So opening the roof place is mandatory for them.
- Extra cold or hot is both bad for elderly people. So they have to be careful not to get too hot or cold.
- Make sure aged people use hot water regularly during bathing. Use spices like ginger-cinnamon-turmeric for their cooking as all that has enough antioxidants. You can make a drink by boiling ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, raw turmeric, and mix it with lemon and eat it like tea.
- Keep the necessary ingredients for their treatment and the doctor’s phone number at hand. Treatment cannot be stopped if there is a long-term illness.