Your office has taken a lot from you. Even after stress and bundle of work load, now it is adding to your back pain. Research says, about 80% workers do desk job. Thus, spend more than 8 hours siting without movement. This is a major contributor to the rise in health conditions like back pain. Since we can’t stop working, we need to find a convenient solution. It has to be a quick fix and less time consuming. Let’s think for yoga. It is an effective and non-surgical way to treat a problem from the deep. In yoga there are some office desk yoga to relieve back pain. Such poses are easy to attempt and can be performed sitting at office desk. So, get ready to get relieve from back pain with office desk yoga possess.
It’s great for people who are looking down at their phones throughout the day. It stretches the spine and make posture better. Put your feet on the floor and hands on the knees. Inhale and bend your back with falling shoulders. It’s a cow pose. Now exhale allowing the shoulder and head come ahead. It’s a cat pose. Repeat this entire cycle at least 3 times.
Chair Pose
This yoga pose strengthens the shoulders, upper back and lower back. First sit upright in chair with feet flat on the floor. Now bring your back at 90° angle to the floor. Exhale, and lean forward. Your shoulders will be halfway across your thighs. Next inhale and raise your arms up facing palms together. Hold this pose for 10 breaths and then relax.
Chair Forward Bend
Next yoga pose at work is Chair Forward Bend. It’s very easy to perform. All you have to do is put your hands on hips and bend at your waist. Now keeping spine straight slowly bend forward and touch the floor with hands. Once you reach the floor, let your head drop too. Stay in this position as long as you can.
Single-leg Stretch
Next come Single-leg Stretch. This stretches muscles and calves and make you back relax. Sit at the edge. Keeping spine straight, stretch your right leg straight. Leave your left foot flat on the floor at a 45° angle bent. Now inhaling slowly slide down to place both hands on right leg’s knee. Avoid dropping your head to your leg. Do this for 5 breaths. When you get out of the pose, inhale and slowly rise up. Repeat for another leg too.
Working for long is no way good for our health. Besides movements like stretching helps is blood circulation and relaxation. Thus, you have back pain or not, I’ll suggest these chair yoga poses for office workers. Take a 10 min break, try these poses. Within a month you can see a great difference.