World Physiotherapy Day will observe today, 08 September, in 121 countries around the world. This is the 24th anniversary of the day.
In 1951 World Confederation for Physical Therapy started their journey on this particular day. Later, gradually it gained international coverage. The organization is coordinating physiotherapy doctors and has been active in the development of the profession.

In 1996, they declared September 8 as World Physiotherapy Day. Since 2007, Bangladesh Physiotherapy Association (BPA) has been celebrating the day every year.
Last year, the World Confederation for Physical Therapy changed their name to ‘World Physiotherapy’. Being a global organization it collaborates with member organizations at the international level to advise on career development.
The organization aims to ensure the highest healthcare for all. It also promote and supports scientific evidence-based physiotherapy practices to develop and distribute the highest possible standards of physiotherapy education.
This year, the theme of Physiotherapy Day will focus on rehabilitation and COVID-19 treatment. The message is aimed at getting rid of covid-19 or the use of physiotherapy to improve body disease resistance.