Monsoon can be a very exciting or extremely dull season. How we perceive this season changes from person to person. But one thing remains the same, our struggle to save our clothes from molds, mildew, fungus and bad smell. So, to ease your worries about this, here are some tips on how you can protect your clothing materials in monsoon season.

  1. Wash and Dry Wet Clothes: If you just entered your house with wet clothes due to rain or it got wet while doing something at home, then don’t waste any time and wash and hang them to dry immediately. If you put them in the laundry basket for later then they could form mildews, start smelling, and spreads that to other good clothes in the pile.
  2. Laundry Tips:
  • Clean your washing machine with vinegar and baking soda to prevent the build-up of bacteria and grimes. Clean the lint traps regularly. And let the insides air dry after letting it self-clean.
  • Wash your cloth with a fabric conditioner or white vinegar near the end to protect them from smell and bacteria.
  • Presoak clothes with stubborn stains for 30-60 mins to help ease stain removal. Avoid soaking some clothes for too long as that could ruin the material.
  • Some clothes don’t need to be washed for a tiny spot, so handwash only that spot with some water and detergent. If there are any mildew stains, then soak the part in a mixture of lemon juice and salt for 5 mins and then rinse.
  • Prioritize which clothes need to be washed immediately and do them first. Do not put a huge load in at once.

3. Dryer Tips:

  • Add a crunched-up ball of aluminum foil to stop clothes from clinging to one another to help them dry faster.
  • Add a dry towel that can absorb water fast in the dryer. But be careful as this can cause clothes to be covered in lint.
  • Spin your clothes as dry as possible for hanging them indoors.

4. Drying Indoors: Since sun drying your clothes is impossible, make the best of it indoors. Turn on the fan at high speed, dry them in AC at night, keep windows open when it’s not raining to air out the moisture, buy a portable rack to hang clothes, and iron the wet clothes if they don’t dry over one night.

5. Use Moisture Absorbent: Use Naphthalene or Silica Sachets in drawers and cupboards in-between clothes to absorb any moisture and keep them dry.

6. Protect Your Leather: Apply good leather polish on your leather items, bags, jackets, pants, shoes, and accessories to protect them from fungus attacks. let them sun dry afterward. If Fungus already forms, then apply a mixture of 1/3 part white vinegar and water with a soft towel or sponge.

These are some of the most effective preventive and recovery tips you can apply to protect your clothing materials in this monsoon. However, whenever you get the luck, let your clothes dry and insides of the house air out the moisture when the sun’s out.

