While a group of people like exercising in early morning air, opposite hates to leave their bed even at 10. Which group does you belong in? Well, whichever your answer is, I know both the group have a wish of a healthy life. By saying exercise, we mostly understand sweating for hours in gym. But all kinds do not require such intensive physical activity. Like cardio exercise. You can try easy cardio exercise at home and make it more convenient.

Cardiovascular exercise helps to gain cardio benefit like strengthens heart, improve blood circulation, boosts energy, regulate blood pressure and other. This is why apart from losing weight, cardio is an all-time choice for reviving life. Here are some easy cardio exercise options for effective workout.

Jumping can serve as at-home workout without any fancy equipment. Just stand straight with your feet and hands together. Now bend your knees and jump. While jumping keep legs and arms wide open. This burns about 100 calories in 10 minutes. As an alternative try also rope skipping.


Swimming is a great cardio option to work on every muscles. It has less risk of injury and impact on joints. 30 laps around a big pool will be sufficient for you. Or you can swim continuously for half an hour without any breaks.


Now this one is everyone’s favorite. Dancing is a kind of exercise that makes go open up with your body with minds. Therefore, it works on full body and relax mind by improving balance, attention and coordination. A 30-minute dance burns 130 to 250 calories.


Outdoor sports can also be a part of your cardio exercise routine. Basketball and handball are the most common. Try to keep yourself active playing these games at least twice a week and see you progressing.


Staircase exercise is a strengthening cardio. Walk up the stairs as fast as you can and come down back. Continue the process for 10 minutes. For a start, walk on 20 stairs every day.
