When it comes to weight loss, eggs are at the top of the list when it comes to protein-rich foods. Because it is easy to cook and has a lot of nutritional value. But in the case of using eggs in the diet or cooking eggs, there are many mistakes and misconceptions. So that instead of losing weight, there are many problems. Forget a few common ones and take a look.

Exclude egg yolks:

There is a misconception that egg yolks contain a lot of unhealthy fats. So many people think of eliminating egg yolks from the diet. It does contain cholesterol, but it doesn’t have much of an effect. Importantly, in addition to vitamins B-2, B-12, D, egg yolks contain multiple elements including folate, phosphate, selenium, calcium, zinc. So egg yolk is very important to lose weight as well as keep the body fit. So egg yolk cannot be omitted in any way.

Use the right oil to cook eggs:

Various types of oil are used to cook eggs. Many people are seen making egg curry with a little butter. Be careful in this case. This is because long-term use of the wrong oil can lead to a heart attack or high cholesterol. So it is very good to use coconut oil or olive oil.

It is also important to keep proper food next to the egg:

In addition to a healthy diet, it is important to pay attention to what is being eaten with eggs to ensure weight loss. In this case, spinach, tomato, capsicum, the mushroom can be eaten with eggs. It contains a lot of fiber which also plays an important role in digestion.

It’s not okay to cook too long:

Overcooking is not right. If the eggs are cooked for a long time or boiled in high heat, the nutritional value of the eggs is lost. In this case, the antioxidants and vitamin A present in the egg are lost first. Even when eggs are boiled at high temperatures, a substance called oxysterols is produced, which is very harmful to the heart. So it is better to cook the eggs on low heat.

Look at the calorie count:

If you want to lose weight, it is very important to pay attention to how you eat eggs. In this case, you have to measure the calories and eat. So egg poached or boiled egg can be eaten. It does not add extra fat to the body. And weight loss is not so difficult.