If you ask any successful person about his secret, he will definitely talk about his self-confidence. You may say, ‘he has it now because of the success’. But you know what I say? He developed this confidence to be the one. Self-confidence is to believe in own self. This gives us courage to fight with the barriers. Even to fight back after failure. This is why improving self-confidence is the route to success.

We all have strength and weakness. But only few can build confidence on those strengths. How to build self-confidence? Through this writing I’ll help you to know some self-confidence tips.
To improve self-confidence first learn to value yourself. Stop comparing you with others. Your negative emotion releases negative energy which is making you feel worse about yourself. So, for a quick boost up of confidence start praising other for their achievements and practice positive self-talk.
People with low self-esteem put off attempting because they doubt in them. Giving advice, approaching someone, sharing opinion are very common issues for them to struggle with. But it is very important that you come out of such fear. I would say one step at a time. For easy start initiate small conversation first. Try to talk with people of same background about what you did today or what plans you have after office. Communicating regularly will help you to be confidently vocal.
Achieving goals also develop confidence in you. Your accomplishment will make you aware of your capability. Thus, the more you achieve, the more confident you become. To achieve, plan your daily task and try to finish every task that you included. Seeing you every day fulfilling all the tasks, you will feel satisfy on you. In long run this will help you to see you as an achiever.

Next on my list comes your dressing style. When we know that people are praising our look, we naturally become confident. So, dress properly and nicely. Try to dress according the place and the environment. Just because you feel comfortable that doesn’t mean you’ll wear pajamas with t-shirt in office. Will you? For style knowledge follow someone who is known for his sober dressing sense.
Our self-esteem is solely depending on how we see ourselves. The way we feel about us will create similar impression on other. To see your own abilities, try to mark your achievements. Also try to get engaged with things that make you happy. Don’t even let anyone to make you feel less or unhappy. Therefor, stand up for yourself when needed.