Pfizer vaccine less effective among younger children
There has been quite a lot of fuss over whether or not covid-19 vaccines for children were safe enough or not. On Monday, a research was conducted that highlighted the…
Feeling The Winter Blues? Try Out These Remedies
During the gloomy cold winter days, you might lack the motivation to step out of the bed and feel like staying under the covers for the entire day. This feeling…
Kids Fighting All The Time? Here’s How to Control Them
Siblings fight and that’s a fact. In any family, if there is more than one kid, there’s bound to be the presence of regular screaming, brawling, and in general loud…
5 New Years’ Resolution You Should Start 2022 With
The year 2021 has come to an end. Just like in movies, this end was either satisfying or it’s leaving us wanting more from life. But don’t forget, each night…
This is How You Should Combat Frizzy Hair in Winter
Winter may be in full swing with its cool and comfy weather. But let’s not overlook its downsides. The skin issues that arise with this season don’t come single-handed. it…
Want to Get Rid of Bad Odor from Your Home? Try These
When after a long day’s work we reach home and get a whiff of a refreshing fragrance, we instantly feel relaxed. Even when we visit someone’s home, if we are…
7 Signs of Emotional Abuse You Should Watch Out For
We can easily notice when a person has been physically abused and we as a society take it very seriously. But how come we don’t often show the same level…
Will Omicron Variant Cause USA To Shutdown Again?
Just when there was a ray of hope and people started adapting to the new world, so did COVID. The virus has adapted and evolved into new variants and refuses…
10 Rules You Should Follow To Calm Your Motion Sickness
When you’re in a moving car, you may sometimes feel some discomfort. This discomfort may range from nausea to dizziness, headaches, vomiting, etc. This sickness stems from the disconnection between…
Want To Manage Arthritis Pain In Winter? Here’s how
Among the hundreds of health problems that can rise up during the winter season, Arthritis is a painful one. It causes the bone joints to swell up making them stiff…