Winter means festival. We eat and drink more at this time than at other times. That also increases the gas problem. In addition, there are various stomach problems due to wearing warm clothes for a long time. This leads to constipation. Those who do not have problems throughout the year may also have problems with constipation in winter. The stomach is not clean in case of constipation. As a result, the gas problem persists. Then there is no taste to eat. If you suffer from constipation for a long time, it can lead to colon cancer.

So everyone needs to be aware of the winter season. In winter less water is consumed than required. So, there are many physical problems we have to face. Let’s find out what to do to reduce constipation in winter –

Plantago ovata: You can eat Plantago ovata at any time of the day. It can be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning or before going to bed at night. You can soak it in water and eat Plantago ovata with a little sugar or candy. You can also eat it with milk.

Khoi: You can eat Khoi for breakfast or at night. Milk can be eaten with Khoi. Khai has a lot of fiber in it and it plays a role in cleansing the stomach. The probiotics in Khoi also help indigestion. If digestion is good, the problem of constipation decreases.

Water: Adequate amount of water should be consumed even in winter. At the beginning of the day, eat lemon mixed with warm water. You will also benefit from this. Walk regularly with that. To make up for the lack of water in the body, you can eat liquid foods such as soup.

Coffee: Black coffee without sugar works very well for constipation.

Cardamom: Soak large cardamom in a cup of hot milk overnight. Wake up in the morning and crush this cardamom and eat it with milk. If you can eat cardamom milk in this way in the morning and at night for the problem of severe constipation, you will get quick benefits. Sleeping on the left side also reduces the problem of constipation.

Eat fiber: If you have constipation, you can eat ripe papaya and apple every day. Can also eat plenty of vegetables, pulses. Avoid foods made with oil spices.

Adequate sleep: Adequate sleep is needed to clean the stomach. Many problems are solved only when sleep is good. And in winter, you should not sit idly by and walk. Go to bed at least two hours after eating at night. Then the digestion will be better.