As we embark upon the new year let us embark upon a healthier and better lifestyle. This won’t just make you healthy it is also a way of being happy. 

Build a better budget 

Create a preliminary budget that works for you before you return to work in January and make a plan for how you’ll stick to it. You may do this as smoothly as possible with the use of budgeting applications. Rethinking when and how you buy items for your house and family can also help you improve your shopping habits because you may be leaving money on the table.

Cook a meal every week 

In the new year, everyone wants to eat healthier, but you should also attempt to eat a wider variety of foods. Variety really is the flavor of life. Pick a simple supper meal you’ve never tried before this year, and make it at least once a week.

Read more

The month of January is the ideal one to curl up with a new book. Why not join forces with friends and peers to connect over the greatest pages you’ve read to hold yourself accountable throughout the year? You may start on this with the help of our Good Housekeeping Book Club, and when you’re done, you’ll know exactly how many books you’ll have read by the end of the year.

Prioritize annual health screenings

Make all of your appointments for the year at once by opening your calendar app (or planner! )—not only will you get rid of the anxiety-inducing hassle, but examinations will be less likely to get pushed out as life becomes crazy. Ask your primary care physician first about your impending screenings (colonoscopy, mammography, etc.). Put those in, then go to the dentist and your ophthalmologist’s office after that.