Get Rid Of Your Sunburn With These Simple Tricks
The heat outside is unbearable and it can easily burn your skin. Nowadays everyone uses sunscreen to protect their skin however, at times even sunscreen isn’t enough to tackle the…
5 Health Benefits of Cumin Seeds
Cumin seeds are a popular spice in sub-continental cuisine. It is used in curries and other dishes. It doesn’t just add extra flavor to the food it also has many…
How Can You Make Social Media More Peaceful?
Right after waking up what do we do? We check our messages, we scroll through Instagram. Then we go to work and in between, we check what Twitter war is…
How Does Having Lemon Water in the Morning Benefit You?
Lemons are one of those ingredients that have countless health benefits. It has been proven to improve your skin, health, hair, and much more. There are some additional benefits of…
Natural remedies for getting rid of dandruff
Like all the other parts of our body we need to take care of our hair regularly. The first step for hair care starts with taking good care of the…
How to keep yourself hydrated while fasting?
This year Ramadan is taking place in the hottest time of the year. In this heat, we’ll have to fast and go to work and continue with our daily activities….
How to prepare yourself for Ramadan
The holy month of Ramadan is knocking at our doors. We’ll all be bidding farewell to our normal daily routines and preparing ourselves for the month of fasting and praying….
A sneak peak into Cristiano Ronaldo’s daily life
Even at the age of 37, the legend is still among the fittest players out there. It isn’t only his talent that got him this far it was also his…
How to sleep better at night
Many of us struggle with sleep on a daily basis. We think we are the only ones that go through this. However, it is more common than you might think….
Femtech Apps you Need to Know about
Being able to afford health care has always been a challenge for most of us. To save us from unnecessary doctor’s appointments eHealth has been here to give us the…